How to link phone messages to mac
How to link phone messages to mac

how to link phone messages to mac

This will reconfigure how your phone connects to 4G/LTE, Wi-Fi, all its wireless connections. Just make sure you have your Apple password ready. Settings > then touch the top bar, where your name should appear. ◾Sign out of your Apple ID, then sign back in. ◾iMessage uses the same servers as FaceTime, so turning that off then on again can sometimes help (Settings > FaceTime). ◾In Settings > Messages, turn off iMessage, then turn it back on again. If you're still getting Not Delivered errors or green text bubbles, it's time to begin a variety of turn-it-off-then-turn-it-on-again tricks. If you swap videos or photos often, this will also free up space on your phone's overall storage. In Settings > Messages, you can also set the phone to delete messages after 30 days or a year. Find old conversations you won't miss, swipe left, then hit Delete to free up space. Old messages, especially those with video or photos, can slow down iMessage. Check the tab for whichever ones you want to use. You should see every device you have registered to your Apple ID. Go to Settings > Messages > Text Message Forwarding. If you want to be able to send and receive iMessages on another Apple device, start on your phone, or whatever device has the SIM card attached to your phone number.

how to link phone messages to mac

This was an issue in iOS in early 2018, where iMessages for a given conversation would show up in different sequences for the people in the conversation, like a movie script that got jumbled up. If you don't see anything, move around until you can get a signal, or find nearby Wi-Fi. One way to check if you have access to data is to do a Safari search or refresh your Instagram feed. Your phone will likely resend the text as a green bubble SMS. What this means is that if you've exceeded your phone plan's data limit, or you're out of range of LTE or Wi-Fi, iMessage won't work. Green texts, on the other hand, move text around the world over a basic cellular signal, like a flip phone of yore. The issue is that iMessage uses data, the same type of information-dense signals that feed your YouTube and Instagram apps. They might not have service, or might have their phone in Airplane Mode. If you know the people you're texting are on Apple devices, but you're still getting green texts, then a couple of things could be afoot. If you usually see blue texts but now they’re green, one of you might be away from data.

How to link phone messages to mac